Our auto loans get you where you want to go.
When it comes to purchasing your next vehicle, our amazing rates will let you take your foot off the brake.
What We Offer
- New and used rates as low as 4.25%
- Certain restrictions apply.
- Guaranteed Asset Protection (GAP)
- GAP bridges the gap between the value of the car and the loan amount, meaning more money in your pocket.
- GAP provides a $1,000 credit when your totaled vehicle is replaced with a vehicle financed by 1166 FCU.
- GAP provides a $1,000 auto deductible reimbursement for ALL passenger vehicles owned or leased (i.e., titled or registered) and insured by the enrolled member.
- Other protection services can cost as much as $750 to $1,000. You can access the benefits of GAP for as little as $250.
- Mechanical breakdown coverage
- Auto deductible reimbursement (Free with GAP)
- Payment calculator
- National Automobile Dealers Association (NADA) guide
Rates subject to change

How to Apply:
- Click HERE for details about application requirements
- Include a copy of your driver’s license
- Include one month of current pay stubs or proof of income
- Include proof of auto insurance coverage
- Once you have completed your application, please return your application by mail, fax, or drop it off at our location.
- For more information, contact us today!