
Fun and Affordable Holiday Activities: The Ultimate List 

Affordable Holiday Activities

Are those jingle bells I hear? Or is that the sound of coins rattling in near-empty pockets after an avalanche of not-so-affordable holiday expenses? *Gulp* If you asked Santa for a big sack of cash this Christmas, you’re not alone! The financial strain of Christmas time is constantly battling the desire to enjoy as much […]

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1166 FCU’s Annual Members Meeting

On November 21, 2024, 1166 FCU will hold its Annual Members Meeting over Zoom at 4:30 p.m. This virtual meeting provides a valuable opportunity to connect with the board of directors and fellow members, discuss the credit union’s direction for 2025, and share ideas. 1166 FCU is committed to transparency and member involvement. When members […]

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1166 Federal Credit Union Seeks Food Drive Donations for CU Kind Day


1166 Federal Credit Union (1166 FCU) is proud to participate in CU Kind Day 2024, observed Monday, October 14. CU Kind Day is a collaborative effort designed for credit union employees, members, partners, and volunteers to spread kindness through various community projects. To address the growing hunger crisis in its communities, 1166 FCU will participate […]

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1166 FCU Makes Strides To Combat Language Barriers in Banking

1166 FCU Makes Strides To Combat Language Barriers in Banking

The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation’s National Survey of Unbanked and Underbanked Households finds that 15 percent of U.S. Hispanic households are unbanked. With 49 percent of this population citing a lack of English proficiency as the main reason for not having a bank account, financial institutions like 1166 Federal Credit Union are taking steps to […]

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National Women Veterans Recognition Day: Helpful Resources

National Women Veterans Recognition Day: Helpful Resources

Wednesday, June 12, marks National Women’s Veterans Day, a day set apart to recognize women veterans who have and continue to serve and protect our country. With many female veterans struggling financially, 1166 Federal Credit Union’s CEO Annemarie Shinn — a veteran herself — shares insights and resources to address the financial struggles they face. […]

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1166 FCU’s Shinn Featured on Front Runner New Jersey

FRNJ's New "Ask the Expert" Column with Annemarie Shinn

1166 FCU CEO and CrossState Board Director, Annemarie Shinn, was recently featured on Front Runner New Jersey’s Ask the Expert column. Shinn discusses the importance of an emergency fund, and how to start one. The article give a step by step tutorial on how to setup an emergency fund and if and when it should be […]

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Louise McCarren Herring and Annemarie Shinn, supporting Tri-State’s Underbanked Population

To celebrate Women’s History Month, we’re highlighting “The Mother of Credit Unions,” Louise McCarren Herring. Louise had a vision to create a not-for-profit financial cooperative and joined the credit union movement in 1933. She organized over 500 credit unions in Ohio and became the founder and first managing director of the Ohio Credit Union League, […]

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1166 FCU Joins Two Local Chambers of Commerce

1166 FCU Joins Two Local Chamber of Commerce

1166 Federal Credit Union is thrilled to announce its membership to two local chambers: the Chamber of Commerce of Southern New Jersey (CCSNJ) and the Gloucester County Chamber of Commerce (GCCCNJ). Chamber membership gains 1166 FCU access to valuable resources that foster growth for the organization as well as its communities. As a long-term advocate […]

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CEO Annemarie Shinn Speaks With the Delaware News Journal

In late 2023, 1166 Federal Credit Union expanded its service area to reach underserved and underbanked communities in Southern New Jersey, Southeastern Pennsylvania, and Northern Delaware. To inform eligible communities about the credit union’s recent charter expansion, as well as its services, the credit union’s CEO Annemarie Shinn spoke with Anitra Johnson from the Delaware […]

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1166 FCU Hosts Annual Members Meeting

On November 16, members of the 1166 Federal Credit Union gathered for our Annual Members Meeting, the first such in-person meeting since 2019. Attendees learned of the organization’s progress from Board members and Executive Director Annemarie Shinn, as they enjoyed fellowship, food, and drinks at the Swedesboro Brewing Company. We’d like to thank all the […]

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